thorwaldstein: IMG_8544
thorwaldstein: Double take
thorwaldstein: Bird ornament
thorwaldstein: 'T is the season
thorwaldstein: Kerststukje (3/3)
thorwaldstein: Kerststukje (2/3)
thorwaldstein: Kerststukje (1/3)
thorwaldstein: The glass is half full (3/3)
thorwaldstein: The glass is half full (2/3)
thorwaldstein: The glass is half full (1/3)
thorwaldstein: Stalks I/II
thorwaldstein: Stalks II/II
thorwaldstein: Busy Bee I/II
thorwaldstein: Busy Bee II/II
thorwaldstein: Dragonfly
thorwaldstein: Bumblebee
thorwaldstein: What Lies Beneath I/III
thorwaldstein: What Lies Beneath II/III
thorwaldstein: What Lies Beneath III/III
thorwaldstein: Catching the Sun 1/3
thorwaldstein: Catching the Sun 2/3
thorwaldstein: Catching the Sun 3/3
thorwaldstein: Triple sandwich double cheese
thorwaldstein: Mushroom omelette
thorwaldstein: IMG_0924
thorwaldstein: Fighting fish are like moving oil paintings. At the festival of fish keeping #fish #aquarium
thorwaldstein: Fighting fish are like moving oil paintings. At the festival of fish keeping #fish #aquarium
thorwaldstein: Fighting fish are like moving oil paintings. At the festival of fish keeping #fish #aquarium
thorwaldstein: Fighting fish are like moving oil paintings. At the festival of fish keeping #fish #aquarium