beautyinature4me: Beach Bur/Silver Beach Weed
beautyinature4me: Beach Primrose
beautyinature4me: Boccone's Sand Spurrey
beautyinature4me: Bristly Matiljia Poppy
beautyinature4me: California Croton
beautyinature4me: Cardinal Catchfly
beautyinature4me: Coast Dudleya/Bluff Lettuce
beautyinature4me: Coyote Thistle
beautyinature4me: Dwarf Brodiaea
beautyinature4me: Golden Yarrow
beautyinature4me: Morro Manzanita
beautyinature4me: Palmer's Dudleya
beautyinature4me: Seaside Woolly Sunflower/Lizard Tail
beautyinature4me: Soap Plant/Wavy Leaf Soap Plant
beautyinature4me: Turkish Rugging
beautyinature4me: Wire Lettuce
beautyinature4me: Yellow Mariposa Lily and Bee
beautyinature4me: Yellow Mariposa Lily and Bee ( close-up )