this Public Address: Self decapitation
this Public Address: View from the back porch, looking south
this Public Address: Trailer I used to live in, looking west
this Public Address: Little House I used to live in
this Public Address: Living Room
this Public Address: My brother David and nephew James
this Public Address: Me and James
this Public Address: Living Room
this Public Address: Front window
this Public Address: Under construction
this Public Address: Rocky and Mom
this Public Address: Rocky and Mom
this Public Address: My first darkroom
this Public Address: West wall of the darkroom/bedroom
this Public Address: West wall of the darkroom
this Public Address: Every young boy needs an oscilloscope
this Public Address: Self portraits are a phase I grew out of
this Public Address: Not the best housekeeper
this Public Address: Edge of the property, looking west
this Public Address: Edge of the property, looking west
this Public Address: Edge of the property, looking west
this Public Address: The main shed
this Public Address: Mom taking Trixy for a wallk
this Public Address: Mom taking Trixy for a walk