Raphael Cycles: Geoff's quill stem, pieces. The small circle is milled out for the bolt head, which sits on a bored out ledge inside the quill, knurled aluminum topcap hides it all. #thatwasforallthedorkslikeme
Raphael Cycles: Tight fillets, stem checked for alignment
Raphael Cycles: @joseybakerbread
Raphael Cycles: @joseybakerbread burning the midnight oil for you
Raphael Cycles: That is #steezed out @joseybakerbread
Raphael Cycles: Threaded cable hanger. Almost there, binder bolt and back cap, final polishing before nickel plating.
Raphael Cycles: #nofuckingfiling raw fillet hit with the wire brush is all #processisprogress