thisistami: Happy babe!
thisistami: Burger love
thisistami: 93 'til infinity.
thisistami: Shirley's brilliant rainbow made just for me
thisistami: Today's harvest
thisistami: Naptime
thisistami: Shirley and Beowulf are great friends.
thisistami: We've all been a little under the weather lately. So it brightened my day to see Rosa smile and laugh again. A little down, but not out.
thisistami: One of the finest consumer-level analog recordings in my collection is in desperate need of being transferred into our digital wasteland. #adjusttracking
thisistami: Best hiding spot ever
thisistami: In front of our home back in Gardiner, my little brother and I both enjoy quick set ups and transfers on the old sidewalk blocks left leaning on the lawn. #dirigo
thisistami: We just had an amazing sunset. I feel a storm coming on. I hope so! We need rain!
thisistami: I wonder what the Sears gap return policy is for tricks? #iwanttotalktothemanager @black_chris
thisistami: Adhesive memories. @storyclothing
thisistami: It's aliiiiiiiive!
thisistami: Banana babe
thisistami: We have a ceiling!
thisistami: Lazy day
thisistami: Commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence with parade-famous folks. They need your love too.