thisistami: tami and sally
thisistami: sally and tami
thisistami: cats
thisistami: view from house
thisistami: ivy
thisistami: IMG_1902.JPG
thisistami: guilford mirror
thisistami: in mirror
thisistami: lamp
thisistami: tami and sally
thisistami: up the stairs
thisistami: upstairs
thisistami: ivy
thisistami: tami and sally
thisistami: sally
thisistami: phone
thisistami: lamp
thisistami: kitty
thisistami: tami and sally
thisistami: kitty
thisistami: guilford house
thisistami: harry at guilford house
thisistami: harry at guilford house
thisistami: waterpump and harry
thisistami: waterpump and harry
thisistami: tami at guilford house
thisistami: tami
thisistami: bottom of front porch steps
thisistami: tami and marcus
thisistami: tami and marcus