ThisIsNotApril: IMG_0389
ThisIsNotApril: iron works historical marker
ThisIsNotApril: iron works
ThisIsNotApril: DSCF0497
ThisIsNotApril: DSCF0498
ThisIsNotApril: My favorite view from the UT campus
ThisIsNotApril: DSCF0497
ThisIsNotApril: on a cloudy day
ThisIsNotApril: "If God lived on earth, people would break his windows."
ThisIsNotApril: Santori
ThisIsNotApril: we all go out the window
ThisIsNotApril: "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." - MLK
ThisIsNotApril: Millett Opera House
ThisIsNotApril: A Texas Sky
ThisIsNotApril: Football's back!
ThisIsNotApril: OM NOM NOM NOM