ThisIsNotApril: Donkeypuncher and David
ThisIsNotApril: Collecting Phil's Bounty
ThisIsNotApril: MGM Bar
ThisIsNotApril: Channeling Drizz
ThisIsNotApril: One of these things is more sober than the other
ThisIsNotApril: Marty, Heather, and Chilly
ThisIsNotApril: Big stack
ThisIsNotApril: Eva and Heather
ThisIsNotApril: I <3 Otis
ThisIsNotApril: Chilly
ThisIsNotApril: Bloggers!
ThisIsNotApril: Is it cold in here?
ThisIsNotApril: We give Ryan a headache
ThisIsNotApril: SA700680
ThisIsNotApril: Twins!
ThisIsNotApril: Obligatory really crappy bar shot
ThisIsNotApril: First SoCo shots of the weekend