pajáro!: As the mist comes down, we start our acent
pajáro!: I'm ready
pajáro!: Above the mist it is beautiful
pajáro!: Our journey
pajáro!: What a view!
pajáro!: I've got to get up there!
pajáro!: Yep, up there!
pajáro!: The annoying plant I kept picking up!
pajáro!: The team back together!
pajáro!: Through the forest
pajáro!: Kira hugging a lovely tree
pajáro!: We came from there!
pajáro!: Having a wee rest
pajáro!: Another view!
pajáro!: I think we are just higher than the clouds
pajáro!: Nate's crazy hair!
pajáro!: Just crazy Nate!
pajáro!: Taking a moment to chill!
pajáro!: The dead forest, deliberately poisoned
pajáro!: Covering a lot of ground
pajáro!: Pretty flowers
pajáro!: Dead tree
pajáro!: More pretty flowers
pajáro!: Top camp at Tajulmulco and I climbed a tree!
pajáro!: The donkey we sent for emergency water...and beer!
pajáro!: Yes, that's right, beer!
pajáro!: The top, what a bloody awful view!
pajáro!: The highest point
pajáro!: Nate admiring the view down into the most enormous crater - you will have to take our word for it!
pajáro!: It was so eery, as the sun dropped