STUDIO 36: Touching Sting Rays: 1.
STUDIO 36: Sting Ray Touch Tank at New England Aquarium.
STUDIO 36: Boston Museum of Science: Isaac Gazes at the Same Exhibit I Did as a Child.
STUDIO 36: Boston Museum of Science: Tamarins.
STUDIO 36: Boston Museum of Science: Isaac Meets the Tamarins.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Isaac and TRex.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Cliff the Triceratops.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Measuring Up to TRex.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Mechanical Awesomeness.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Gorgeous Rock Whose Name Escapes Me.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: A Brilliant Bird Activity.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Isaac Meets the Bees that Mommy & Daddy Also Met So Long Ago.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Art Piece That Speaks to Me.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Creating Lightning.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Man-Made Lightning.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: Isaac and Daddy Prepare for Take-Off.
STUDIO 36: Museum of Science: An Old But Welcome Exhibit.
STUDIO 36: The Shark/Ray Touch Tank: Isaac Awaits the Sharks.
STUDIO 36: Touching the Shark - awesome!
STUDIO 36: We Loved This Young Lady - Best Job Ever - Shark/Ray Touch Tank!
STUDIO 36: The Bonnethead Shark : Cruising the Tank.
STUDIO 36: Sting Ray Petting Zoo.
STUDIO 36: Daddy & Isaac Caress the Rays.
STUDIO 36: Daddy Shows How It's Done: Sting Ray Touch Tank.
STUDIO 36: Epaulette Sharks are Awesome ... and can breathe out of water. Beat that, Great White!
STUDIO 36: Cownose Rays.
STUDIO 36: Isaac says "ooooooooh" :)
STUDIO 36: Atlantic Ray. Soft & Squishy :)
STUDIO 36: Ever Feel Like Someone Is Following You???
STUDIO 36: Such a Sweet Face!