thisduckhere: Goulash
thisduckhere: Starter
thisduckhere: Marimekko
thisduckhere: (M)eating point
thisduckhere: Signage
thisduckhere: Signage
thisduckhere: Ambiente
thisduckhere: IMG_2396
thisduckhere: Yummy things
thisduckhere: Old tram
thisduckhere: Restaurace
thisduckhere: Absinth Museum
thisduckhere: Old buildings
thisduckhere: At Charles Bridge
thisduckhere: From Charles Bridge
thisduckhere: Strawberry ravioli
thisduckhere: Salmon with asparagus
thisduckhere: Kampa Park restaurant
thisduckhere: Old building
thisduckhere: Old buildings
thisduckhere: Astronomical clock
thisduckhere: Clock tower
thisduckhere: Christmas market
thisduckhere: Old buildings
thisduckhere: Old buildings
thisduckhere: View from the castle