thisconfettilife: Vintage Glasses
thisconfettilife: Vintage Glasses
thisconfettilife: Vintage Glasses
thisconfettilife: Vintage Glasses
thisconfettilife: Bear Boat Wine
thisconfettilife: Basil & Vodka
thisconfettilife: Basil & Vodka
thisconfettilife: Ice Cream Sandwich Shake
thisconfettilife: Strawberry Shortcake Shake
thisconfettilife: Shake Ingredients
thisconfettilife: DSCN0190.JPG
thisconfettilife: DSCN0188.JPG
thisconfettilife: Old fashioned
thisconfettilife: Spicy Shine
thisconfettilife: Deeeeeelish!
thisconfettilife: Went to World Market just to exchange a bowl. This happened.