Molly Lichten: The standards are so far above alive.
Molly Lichten: 32/365: Explored!
Molly Lichten: Less human, more being.
Molly Lichten: Please do the world a favour.
Molly Lichten: It's like you're homesick for a place that doesn't even exist.
Molly Lichten: We are only as paralyzed as we let ourselves be.
Molly Lichten: Slack-jawed and slightly awed.
Molly Lichten: You are not in the world, the world is in you.
Molly Lichten: Broken Lullabies
Molly Lichten: It smells so warm and sleepy here.
Molly Lichten: Untitled
Molly Lichten: Lucid Whispers
Molly Lichten: Beneath the cherry trees.