officialthisamericanlife: Justice Panel in Tom Snell's class with students Sandra Lopez, Rodrigo Medel, Kenny Rodriguez, Genesis Santana, Xavier Reed, and Catherine Aracena. Adults Matt Rohrer, Jason Meilands and Darron Burgos
officialthisamericanlife: Dean Darron Burgos pulls upperclassmen Angelly Germosen and Tiara Santiago out of class to check in with them about advising younger students.
officialthisamericanlife: An underclassman completes an pre-circle exercise designed to help articulate feelings.
officialthisamericanlife: Student Breeanah Sims with teacher Jesse Alexander
officialthisamericanlife: Artwork placed in center of circle at the beginning of Chelsea Green's advisory class.
officialthisamericanlife: Students sitting outside a side entrance after school
officialthisamericanlife: Teacher Tom Snell introduces the day's Justice Panel topics
officialthisamericanlife: Student reads "Justice Panel Training Guide" in advisory class