thisafternoon: Crane in darkness
thisafternoon: Fans, voor fans van fans
thisafternoon: Stairs
thisafternoon: Beautifully lit factory complex
thisafternoon: Beautifully lit watertank
thisafternoon: Fans, voor nog meer fans van fans
thisafternoon: Photodudes
thisafternoon: Kraantjens
thisafternoon: Factory complex
thisafternoon: Giant tubes
thisafternoon: Giant tube
thisafternoon: Tubes & Stairs
thisafternoon: Balustrado
thisafternoon: Locomotive
thisafternoon: Reflected factory
thisafternoon: Factory in Dortmund
thisafternoon: Moss & Rust
thisafternoon: Tubes
thisafternoon: Reflected Factory
thisafternoon: Artificial Intelligence
thisafternoon: The 12 planets of Mota
thisafternoon: The lost symbol
thisafternoon: Which way to go?
thisafternoon: Exploring
thisafternoon: Steel I
thisafternoon: Steel II
thisafternoon: Steel III
thisafternoon: Glassworks
thisafternoon: Glass, metal & concrete