thirtyoneteeth: kids come first
thirtyoneteeth: agricultural school
thirtyoneteeth: main entrance
thirtyoneteeth: lamp detail
thirtyoneteeth: roof detail
thirtyoneteeth: stonework detail
thirtyoneteeth: middle school jumpology
thirtyoneteeth: jason: selfie
thirtyoneteeth: stacked chairs
thirtyoneteeth: everyone
thirtyoneteeth: obligatory meta shot
thirtyoneteeth: creepy stairwell
thirtyoneteeth: power supply for batting machine
thirtyoneteeth: abandoned concession stand
thirtyoneteeth: concession stand with paco jumping
thirtyoneteeth: jason + paco jumping
thirtyoneteeth: paco and me: blue wall I
thirtyoneteeth: paco and me: blue wall II
thirtyoneteeth: jason takes his hat off
thirtyoneteeth: abandoned high-jump mats
thirtyoneteeth: oh yeah, i rented this car