thirdrail: billy and adam
thirdrail: looking down 7 Av from 55 St
thirdrail: looking up 7 Av from 55 St
thirdrail: elevator "bank" at Chelsea Market
thirdrail: beers of greenpoint, brooklyn
thirdrail: standing on "redbird"-series car
thirdrail: who will be "miss subways?"
thirdrail: man's drink
thirdrail: gruesome
thirdrail: a stretch
thirdrail: offensive old subway ad
thirdrail: metrocard reader
thirdrail: best metrocard reader readout ever
thirdrail: cost comparison
thirdrail: humans shot from compressed construction chamber, 2 dead
thirdrail: the creek
thirdrail: lower manhattan
thirdrail: bridges
thirdrail: statue of liberty
thirdrail: bridges
thirdrail: billy looking over east river
thirdrail: brunch
thirdrail: breakfast board
thirdrail: central park west at 81st
thirdrail: 1 train
thirdrail: Doors on C train
thirdrail: Matt on L line under East River
thirdrail: new strip map displays