thirdrail: 2000 and 4000
thirdrail: New York cars
thirdrail: skokie swift destination on former 5000-series articulated car
thirdrail: cta signage
thirdrail: signs
thirdrail: matt riding 4000s
thirdrail: matt riding 4000s
thirdrail: people riding 4000s (during delay)
thirdrail: 1-50 cars and 2000s
thirdrail: 1-50 cars and 2000s
thirdrail: cta trolley coach
thirdrail: 2000
thirdrail: moss
thirdrail: viewing
thirdrail: friends in dining car
thirdrail: north-south map
thirdrail: matt on cta trolley bus
thirdrail: 1-50 series switches
thirdrail: Chicago Tunnel Company locomotive
thirdrail: chicago tunnel company locomotive controller handle
thirdrail: coupler
thirdrail: 1-50 series controller handle
thirdrail: 1-50 series indicators
thirdrail: 1-50 series
thirdrail: 1-50 series
thirdrail: 1-50 series
thirdrail: 1-50 series
thirdrail: burlington service discontinuation