THINKGlobalSchool: Head of School Jamie greets Emma to her senior year (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: Some fruit at breakfast during orientation (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: Ayesha meets with School Nurse Stephanie Scott (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: Physical Education teacher Adam Sturman chats with a student at orientation (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: Isaac makes a custom longboard for Head of Tech Mike Hourahine (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: Breakfast for students as they arrive (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: Hudson is definitely NOT jetlagged (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: A few pamphlets about things to do (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: A full fridge ready for arriving travelers (Auckland, New Zealand)
THINKGlobalSchool: Head of StudentLIFE Adam Sturman keeps it casual at the airport (Auckland, New Zealand)