THINKGlobalSchool: Students and faculty get excited before kickoff (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Media Specialist Lindsay Clark taking shots (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Liam shows his game face (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Students showing off their war paint (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Alex has New Zealand roots (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: English teacher Garrett Austen (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Mark prepares to take some shots (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Monique's coffee has her ready to go (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Luisa and Gijs show their support (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Sydney laughs during the game (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Hannah shows her pride (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Yosefa works on getting a good shot (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Mark uses a long lens to get a close-up (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Spanish teacher Señora Ana (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Onsite Administrator Mary Cooper (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Alun and Mary Cooper showing their spirit (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Argentina's Los Pumas take the field (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Los Pumas join together during the national anthem (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: The action gets underfoot between the All Blacks and Los Pumas (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Los Pumas engages in a lineout (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Los Pumas tackle a player from the All Blacks (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Both teams engage in a lineout (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: A rugby lineout between the Los Pumas and the All Blacks (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Los Pumas and All Blacks scramble for the ball (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: All Blacks holding the ball during a test match with the Los Pumas (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: All Blacks during a lull in play (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: New Zealand's All Blacks chase after the ball (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: New Zealand's All Blacks and Argentina's Los Pumas engage in a test match (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: Gijs shows off his face paint (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
THINKGlobalSchool: The All Blacks hand off the ball during a test match (Buenos Aires, Argentina)