THINKGlobalSchool: Students with their beloved residence staff (Cuenca, Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Maya inside a 'matapalo' strangler tree (Tiputini, Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Liam and Yada snorkeling (Galápagos Islands)
THINKGlobalSchool: Isaac en route to Tiputini (Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Willem, Piran, and Hudson visiting the Equator (Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Megan makes friends with the locals (Quito, Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Some of the students on top of Incapirca (Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: David shearing a sheep with an indigenous woman (Chimborazo, Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: TGS Year 2 begins! (Quito, Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: TGS at the fake Equator (Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Russell discovers the cleanest tree in the rainforest (Tiputini, Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Rebecca, Emma, and Megan on the beach (Galápagos Islands)
THINKGlobalSchool: David posing with a local (Quito, Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Gawa, Hannah, and Becca snorkeling for class (Galápagos Islands)
THINKGlobalSchool: Jawed peaks over top of the van (Galápagos Islands)
THINKGlobalSchool: Science teacher Jarret helping students in their snorkeling lab (Galápagos Islands)
THINKGlobalSchool: Celebrating an amazing hike in the pouring rain (Tiputini, Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Students on the Equator (Ecuador)
THINKGlobalSchool: Sea lions sunning on the beach (Galápagos Islands)
THINKGlobalSchool: Ashley and Becca snorkeling (Galápagos Islands)