thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy is ready to tackle these boxes!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Putting the booth together
thinkgeekmonkeys: Where does this go?
thinkgeekmonkeys: So. Many. Boxes.
thinkgeekmonkeys: One wall up!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Booths setting up
thinkgeekmonkeys: Ooohh. Aaahh.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Quick break
thinkgeekmonkeys: Sideview
thinkgeekmonkeys: Back of the booth
thinkgeekmonkeys: YAY! DONE! (Please ignore the box graveyard.)
thinkgeekmonkeys: Woo! Gold pickaxe acquired!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Fear my pickaxe!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Queuing is fun
thinkgeekmonkeys: Waves of people at our booth
thinkgeekmonkeys: Hello there, Bumblebee!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Wait, don't leave us!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Look at all the peopleee
thinkgeekmonkeys: People traveled from all over - even through time!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Unsuspecting con-goers
thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy Wash with Jayne & the Captain!
thinkgeekmonkeys: TIMMY'S UNDER ATTACK!
thinkgeekmonkeys: We seeeee you.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Release the hounds!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Connor's made it to PAX
thinkgeekmonkeys: A test subject with her own Timmy plushes!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Steve dared to face the Gom Jabbar!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy meets Scumbag Steve
thinkgeekmonkeys: Day 3: Sold out of the exclusive Starfield sentry turrets early in the day!