thinkgeekmonkeys: Steve the MC!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Let the games begin!
thinkgeekmonkeys: TG Staff discussing important type stuff
thinkgeekmonkeys: Round 0: Guess the robots!
thinkgeekmonkeys: You may think it's the light, but they really all had matching blue shirts!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Hard at work
thinkgeekmonkeys: (Almost) all 14 teams!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Settling in
thinkgeekmonkeys: "Cheeeese"
thinkgeekmonkeys: Handing out free shirts!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Guards of the Front Door!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Are you *sure* you're on the list?
thinkgeekmonkeys: Time for check-in!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Getting themselves situated
thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy's Minions hard at work!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Going over the rules!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Rules are srs business.
thinkgeekmonkeys: The Wave?!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Steve lost his place!
thinkgeekmonkeys: The AV Table
thinkgeekmonkeys: Listening intently
thinkgeekmonkeys: View from the back
thinkgeekmonkeys: Scoring!
thinkgeekmonkeys: The Judges' Table
thinkgeekmonkeys: Scoring the first two rounds!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Our scorers are awesome!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Double checking
thinkgeekmonkeys: So much focus