thinkgeekmonkeys: We're all Cox Farmers
thinkgeekmonkeys: Piglets!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Cunning goat
thinkgeekmonkeys: Monkey is not edible
thinkgeekmonkeys: See you next month
thinkgeekmonkeys: Half pig, half leopard, it is LEOPIG!
thinkgeekmonkeys: OMG PWNIES
thinkgeekmonkeys: "Mommy, why is that man in the dinosaur?" --actual quote from child looking on
thinkgeekmonkeys: Erin exiting the dinosaur
thinkgeekmonkeys: The hayride begins!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Wee geeklings get excited for the hayride
thinkgeekmonkeys: Beginning of hayride: countdown to awesome
thinkgeekmonkeys: 3, 2, 1... ALIENS!!!
thinkgeekmonkeys: NASA makes an appearance
thinkgeekmonkeys: Alien football? Okay.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Alien vampire farmer, in case you were wondering
thinkgeekmonkeys: Mommy, why does that lady have a dog?
thinkgeekmonkeys: Lily & Willie
thinkgeekmonkeys: Wait a second
thinkgeekmonkeys: Willie finds his gnomeboys
thinkgeekmonkeys: What is this I don't even
thinkgeekmonkeys: Welcome to Uncanny Valley
thinkgeekmonkeys: They seem nice.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Hay ride
thinkgeekmonkeys: Oooh the barn is spoooooky
thinkgeekmonkeys: The tension builds...
thinkgeekmonkeys: And then suddenly, bubbles!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Okay, right
thinkgeekmonkeys: Hulk has some nice abs