thinkgeekmonkeys: Discovery, pass #1 right over our heads
thinkgeekmonkeys: Discovery, pass #2 for a sideview
thinkgeekmonkeys: Discovery, pass #3 for landing
thinkgeekmonkeys: OMG SHUTTLE!!!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Flying directly overhead
thinkgeekmonkeys: Flying directly overhead
thinkgeekmonkeys: Flying directly overhead
thinkgeekmonkeys: Flying over
thinkgeekmonkeys: Flying by
thinkgeekmonkeys: Flying by
thinkgeekmonkeys: Flying by
thinkgeekmonkeys: Coming in for landing
thinkgeekmonkeys: Coming in for landing
thinkgeekmonkeys: Coming in for landing
thinkgeekmonkeys: Coming in for landing
thinkgeekmonkeys: Lot was filling up by 7:30!
thinkgeekmonkeys: First away team at the lot
thinkgeekmonkeys: ThinkGeek crew
thinkgeekmonkeys: More Timmy fans!
thinkgeekmonkeys: We brought space origami to keep us busy
thinkgeekmonkeys: Need Tang? We've got Tang.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Space tweeps
thinkgeekmonkeys: Om nom nom nom
thinkgeekmonkeys: Wee Timmy fans <3
thinkgeekmonkeys: Take us out, ladder guy aka @andrewthe!