thinkgeekmonkeys: Happy Birthday Mutant Jello!
thinkgeekmonkeys: The Mutant Jello in its current home, suspended in a net.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy visits the Mutant Jello in its suspended home.
thinkgeekmonkeys: The Jello is down! You can totally see the crags through the netting.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Carefully removing the Jello from its net. We had elder gods on standby should it try to escape.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Cthulhu keeps the Mutant Jello in check.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy. Don't touch that. You don't know what might happen.
thinkgeekmonkeys: The Mutant Jello's once-squishy back is now hardened and bubbly!
thinkgeekmonkeys: That...kind of looks like a mouth.
thinkgeekmonkeys: The dark side of the Jelloscape.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Loathsome crackling and inhuman ridges have their own sort of grandeur.
thinkgeekmonkeys: It sees you.
thinkgeekmonkeys: A touching father-son moment.