thinkgeekmonkeys: They may look innocent, but..Sssssss!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Are you ready for your closeup, green hippo?
thinkgeekmonkeys: Putting the finishing touches on the Admiral
thinkgeekmonkeys: A little bit of movie magic...
thinkgeekmonkeys: He's almost done!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Hans really gets into his work. He lay on this floor for most of an evening, patiently painting.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Ackbar seems so aghast at being painted with latex!
thinkgeekmonkeys: The Admiral receives a final layer of goo.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Proof of hippo concept
thinkgeekmonkeys: Our mad scientist, hard at work.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Hungry, Hungry prototype
thinkgeekmonkeys: Hilary and her...poison fog?
thinkgeekmonkeys: If you wondered how we got the K-Cup meals to extrude...
thinkgeekmonkeys: The K-Cup video script. That is, indeed, good duck.
thinkgeekmonkeys: A photo of a photo being taken! How meta!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Zack and Hans kick back for a nice glass of donuts
thinkgeekmonkeys: Everyone loves tacos!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Do you like drinking your hot wings with or without Ghost Chili flakes?
thinkgeekmonkeys: Donuts, anyone?
thinkgeekmonkeys: K-Cup corndogs. Mm. Goopy.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Aww, how nice!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Gretchen grins as she creates delicious K-Cup goop!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Perfume bottle--The First!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Perfume bottle in progress!
thinkgeekmonkeys: We may have visited a local store to scout for perfume atomisers
thinkgeekmonkeys: The finished perfume bottle!