thinkgeekmonkeys: O hai that's us
thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy listens in on @nasajim's Ignite talk
thinkgeekmonkeys: Probe Timmy has landed on Tribbleus
thinkgeekmonkeys: ARE YOU READY?
thinkgeekmonkeys: We are prepared!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Yaaawwrghh!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Aaaand they're off!
thinkgeekmonkeys: It's on, nerds!
thinkgeekmonkeys: Damage to corridor 6, evac immediately
thinkgeekmonkeys: Zooooom
thinkgeekmonkeys: Flash activated so you can see the tribble hair floating around
thinkgeekmonkeys: Maybe this was a mistake. I hear crying.
thinkgeekmonkeys: ALRIGHT, STOP, THIS IS TOO CRAZY.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Oh gods, what have we done.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Tribbled.
thinkgeekmonkeys: Is it over yet!?
thinkgeekmonkeys: Moonpie eating contest commences
thinkgeekmonkeys: @astrogerly wins!
thinkgeekmonkeys: The prize: SDO LEGO set
thinkgeekmonkeys: Public vs. insider perception: Earth
thinkgeekmonkeys: Public vs. insider perception: Scientist
thinkgeekmonkeys: Public vs. insider perception: "Science is"
thinkgeekmonkeys: Public vs. insider perception: Scientist
thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy clone with @SpaceSherpa
thinkgeekmonkeys: Timmy and Camilla, together again