think_ink: on our way to Algarve (Vasco da Gama bridge)
think_ink: view from the balcony
think_ink: scout
think_ink: Luz church
think_ink: Luz embankment
think_ink: DSC00743
think_ink: DSC00747
think_ink: Luz beach
think_ink: pavement
think_ink: god bless internet
think_ink: our nice country house
think_ink: jump
think_ink: swimminngpooll
think_ink: horses
think_ink: Sergey at San Vincene
think_ink: mememe
think_ink: tourists at San Vincente cape
think_ink: house at the cliff
think_ink: San Vincente lighthouse
think_ink: San Vincenete cap
think_ink: happy sausage
think_ink: lock
think_ink: waves at the edge of Europe
think_ink: DSC00834
think_ink: i'm so tired of naming all this stupid nature views
think_ink: wild nature and me
think_ink: me as portugal soldier
think_ink: Sagres fortress
think_ink: ocean and San Vincente cape