thriceC: Glastonbury Abbey
thriceC: Glastonbury Abbey
thriceC: Glastonbury Abbey Arch
thriceC: Behold the Sun
thriceC: Sunflower
thriceC: Hotels
thriceC: Urban Sprawl
thriceC: cranefly
thriceC: dragonfly
thriceC: Spot the spider
thriceC: Magnolia Blossom
thriceC: High wires
thriceC: Tree in sunset
thriceC: The death of day
thriceC: Carnival comedown
thriceC: Beefburgers
thriceC: Angel at Easter
thriceC: Hungry spider seeks dinner guests... all flies welcome
thriceC: Spider feeding
thriceC: The beast awakens
thriceC: Humans of Flickr... we will issue our demands shortly
thriceC: Strike
thriceC: In the shadow of the Cross
thriceC: Solar swan song
thriceC: Ice
thriceC: hands and eyes
thriceC: Carnival
thriceC: Lat train
thriceC: Rock!
thriceC: Summer haze