Thomas Fryer: 2005-CB-004
Thomas Fryer: Ino y Alfonso en Cambridge 2009
Thomas Fryer: Lisbon Holiday, July 2010
Thomas Fryer: Elena and Claudio Adriel out walking
Thomas Fryer: 2011-HS-009
Thomas Fryer: Visit to London on 30th July 2011 with GMLJ. Trip on the Thames
Thomas Fryer: 2011-IL-254
Thomas Fryer: 2012-IQ-341
Thomas Fryer: 2013-KH-112
Thomas Fryer: 2015-MZ-010
Thomas Fryer: 2015-NC-093-edit
Thomas Fryer: 2015-NJ-005_edited
Thomas Fryer: 2017-OS-7-223_edited
Thomas Fryer: 2019-RHb-010
Thomas Fryer: 2019-RY-328_edited
Thomas Fryer: 2019-RY-350_edited
Thomas Fryer: 2019-RY-379_edited
Thomas Fryer: Old BH bicycle in Paradinas (Segovia), Spain
Thomas Fryer: Chitty Chitty Tractor nr. Mesland, Loir-et-Cher
Thomas Fryer: Madrid Barajas Airport, with Madrid and las Cinco Terros, seen from Paracuellos de Jarama
Thomas Fryer: Madrid Barajas Airport, T4, with Madrid and las Cinco Torres, from Paracuellos de Jarama
Thomas Fryer: Plane Taking off from Madrid Barajas Airport, seen from Paracuellos de Jarama
Thomas Fryer: Madrid Barajas Airport, Terminal 4, with las Cinco Torres in the background
Thomas Fryer: Night-time Lorry on Avenida Omar Torrijos, Panamá
Thomas Fryer: Room with a View #23-02: Blurred Emergency Lights in Rain at Aeropuerto Marcos A Galabert, Panama
Thomas Fryer: Room with a View #23-03: Dawn Take-off from Aeropuerto Marcos A. Galabert, Ciudad de Panamá