TheZmanAbides: Lupine under Oak Canopy
TheZmanAbides: Fall Fern Detail
TheZmanAbides: Moon over Harvested Field
TheZmanAbides: South Shore Train at Dusk
TheZmanAbides: Sun on Shelf Peak
TheZmanAbides: Ice Flats
TheZmanAbides: a cold perspective
TheZmanAbides: Hunter's Moon over Marram Grass in Seed
TheZmanAbides: Blue and Gold
TheZmanAbides: Fireworks at Indiana Dunes State Park
TheZmanAbides: lightning, lapping lake michigan
TheZmanAbides: oh, Bethlehem
TheZmanAbides: Beach House Blowout Pan #2
TheZmanAbides: (Dead) Cottonwood
TheZmanAbides: Universe in Motion
TheZmanAbides: Autumn from Lee Side of Big Blowout
TheZmanAbides: Roots meet Leaves or Means meet End
TheZmanAbides: Fall at Cowles Bog
TheZmanAbides: Pinery Canopy Profile
TheZmanAbides: winter ripples
TheZmanAbides: west slope / mt hobo
TheZmanAbides: dune creek permeating a frozen lake
TheZmanAbides: Tranquility
TheZmanAbides: Pines Reach Moon
TheZmanAbides: a spinning sky
TheZmanAbides: Lake Michigan Shelf Ice through a Pine Stand
TheZmanAbides: Scouring
TheZmanAbides: Storm pushes Ashore
TheZmanAbides: Blowout and Fall Canopy of the Indiana Dunes