thezephyrsong_tzs: flower (cosmos)
thezephyrsong_tzs: cat's hands
thezephyrsong_tzs: A cat tries escape.
thezephyrsong_tzs: close up cat
thezephyrsong_tzs: Darth Vader
thezephyrsong_tzs: The real nature is......
thezephyrsong_tzs: The real nature is......
thezephyrsong_tzs: Darth Vader's Mask
thezephyrsong_tzs: Darth Vader's Mask
thezephyrsong_tzs: Merry Xmas!!
thezephyrsong_tzs: Ringo Sheena
thezephyrsong_tzs: bowling alley
thezephyrsong_tzs: Yokohama Landmark Tower
thezephyrsong_tzs: uneune lighting
thezephyrsong_tzs: Thanks Giving 2005
thezephyrsong_tzs: The thing which a cat stares at is ......
thezephyrsong_tzs: The cat which was seen from under.
thezephyrsong_tzs: To the center