The World by Road:
Cold and amazing
The World by Road:
Going back
The World by Road:
The plow
The World by Road:
We made it.
The World by Road:
The point
The World by Road:
Lonely Trucks
The World by Road:
Filming at the top.
The World by Road:
The end of the road
The World by Road:
Huge cliffs on all sides
The World by Road:
Midnight sun
The World by Road:
Above town
The World by Road:
The cold
The World by Road:
Absolute cold
The World by Road:
No passage
The World by Road:
End of the line
The World by Road:
The World by Road:
Ice Ice and More Ice
The World by Road:
Tunnel lights
The World by Road:
Tunnel Doors
The World by Road:
Crazy colors
The World by Road:
2 pm
The World by Road:
Amazing Road
The World by Road:
Getting Close