the word unheard: this was nursing home food (and some guests complained that there wasn't any *local* cheese)
the word unheard: family and friends
the word unheard: holding hands
the word unheard: obsessed with ducklings
the word unheard: DON'T RUN AWAY FROM ME
the word unheard: deliberating
the word unheard: glace au chocolat
the word unheard: mother and son
the word unheard: mom and valerie match
the word unheard: fancy hat
the word unheard: singing in my douche
the word unheard: i think mom might be dancing
the word unheard: first position
the word unheard: give us a kiss
the word unheard: lil chompers
the word unheard: uncle face
the word unheard: muffins, radishes, and good champagne
the word unheard: Skype lesson
the word unheard: salads and omelette cake
the word unheard: natural born storyteller
the word unheard: ice cream and fresh fruit is a summer requirement
the word unheard: what a kid
the word unheard: sleepy dad