the word unheard: first thing in the morning
the word unheard: leaning in
the word unheard: READY TO ROCK
the word unheard: noah is pretty
the word unheard: points for daintiness
the word unheard: pretty cake
the word unheard: IMG_6727.JPG
the word unheard: IMG_6728.JPG
the word unheard: IMG_6729.JPG
the word unheard: Orange Cat (is his name)
the word unheard: gremlin-y
the word unheard: this might be prior to the barking trick
the word unheard: oooooh lovings
the word unheard: in doglove heaven
the word unheard: getting kisses
the word unheard: scritchies
the word unheard: the schmucklers
the word unheard: belly rubs to earn love
the word unheard: pugs are so weird
the word unheard: making friends