the word unheard: han and chewie
the word unheard: galactic royalty
the word unheard: orchestration
the word unheard: hovercraft, ho!
the word unheard: land cruiser
the word unheard: motorized emoter
the word unheard: operation
the word unheard: manning monsters
the word unheard: yoooooda. yo yo yo yo yooooooda. yo yo yo yo yoooooodaaa.
the word unheard: pew pew pew
the word unheard: tiny town
the word unheard: looking on his predecessor
the word unheard: mini sith!
the word unheard: hovercraft
the word unheard: computers - the wave of the future
the word unheard: learning curve
the word unheard: working together
the word unheard: with his little pokey ball
the word unheard: listening
the word unheard: darth vader and the millenium falcon
the word unheard: with balance in mind
the word unheard: boba fett is intimidating