the word unheard: rachael and jamie-lee
the word unheard: thomson has a wedgie?
the word unheard: wealthy art patrons. and their ward?
the word unheard: redundancy?
the word unheard: proprietor makes an announcement
the word unheard: tom and seth
the word unheard: jlj looks up through the shag
the word unheard: girls and gasp
the word unheard: jill impaled by jlj's head
the word unheard: jamie-lee and seth
the word unheard: exhaustion
the word unheard: desperation
the word unheard: art team 1
the word unheard: art team 2
the word unheard: skangas grabs a nosh
the word unheard: blurartists
the word unheard: LOOK JAMIE-LEE A CAMERA
the word unheard: grabbin' some 'za
the word unheard: like an orphan
the word unheard: waiting for a coup
the word unheard: to pizza!
the word unheard: artists, 1
the word unheard: artists, 2
the word unheard: pointing to... the asparagus spears?
the word unheard: discussion