the word unheard: lucky strike
the word unheard: selection!
the word unheard: lanes line 'em up
the word unheard: andria in bowl stance
the word unheard: marci contemplates
the word unheard: portraits
the word unheard: kristin stephanie gina susan
the word unheard: austin makes rude faces
the word unheard: kristin and mickey
the word unheard: kel kicks back
the word unheard: rachel austin elizabeth andria
the word unheard: HOLY ROLLER
the word unheard: kelly lays it out
the word unheard: white black
the word unheard: lucky strike, this time with orbs
the word unheard: kurt halsey
the word unheard: rachel's like a bowling ballerina!
the word unheard: cocktails
the word unheard: kristin knew her stuff
the word unheard: just practice
the word unheard: sherri pwns
the word unheard: sipping with mickey's (approval)
the word unheard: hiphanded
the word unheard: she looks like she's placing the ball down