the word unheard: GOODIE BAGS. seth officially throws an amazing party
the word unheard: inflating is a difficult process
the word unheard: we all gathered round to watch "hammy the hamster"
the word unheard: this went on for a number of hours
the word unheard: the "couch"
the word unheard: infinite thrills
the word unheard: gearing up
the word unheard: not quite
the word unheard: richard was pretty off
the word unheard: rachael was pretty close
the word unheard: i think i told her to make a "saucepot face"
the word unheard: rachael is the definition of adorable
the word unheard: rachael's bouncing
the word unheard: some story going on i guess
the word unheard: blindfold
the word unheard: emilie and jamie-lee
the word unheard: richard and rachael
the word unheard: as you can see, we were all kinds of animated
the word unheard: so adorable
the word unheard: richard, jon, and JLJ's boots
the word unheard: hi there!