the word unheard: demonstrating.
the word unheard: HAHAHAHAHAHA. apparently.
the word unheard: menus are work.
the word unheard: amanda is so happy to be eating
the word unheard: quynh is dissatisfied with her duckling
the word unheard: if the cab hadn't moved this shot woulda been more interesting
the word unheard: we're party animals.
the word unheard: bottoms up
the word unheard: faceless gnome?
the word unheard: the IT tech guy and me did not get off to a great start
the word unheard: not responsible for this one
the word unheard: thanks for stealing my camera, amanda
the word unheard: this was a recurring theme
the word unheard: gpal - always enthused.
the word unheard: skin so fair it's not fair
the word unheard: if this boy were jewish my mom would be hella pressuring me to marry him
the word unheard: um. flattering.
the word unheard: quynh's a happy camper
the word unheard: we just had to have her.
the word unheard: great face, gpal
the word unheard: this shot makes me happy