the word unheard: sharon's big azz (margarita)
the word unheard: carina shoots the horns
the word unheard: elaine and sara
the word unheard: franky and cindy
the word unheard: group shot
the word unheard: snuggleupagus
the word unheard: attractive boys
the word unheard: this picture makes me laugh way too hard.
the word unheard: peace, pout, shocker, and knife
the word unheard: the knife makes it in to a bunch of these
the word unheard: it also makes it into nick's mouth
the word unheard: reem is a unicorn
the word unheard: alex and the blade
the word unheard: this is another one i lied about not putting online
the word unheard: EEERRRGGGHHH
the word unheard: dunno what he was going for
the word unheard: alex, me, and sharon's eyeballs
the word unheard: girls are amused, boys are not
the word unheard: my purse is so manly
the word unheard: UH-OH SECRETS
the word unheard: blushing?
the word unheard: looking away inconspicuously?
the word unheard: cindy is coy
the word unheard: chris is always explaining things
the word unheard: sara and elaine
the word unheard: being suave
the word unheard: sharon = too cute