the word unheard: the dude abides.
the word unheard: franky & me!
the word unheard: nick is a guitar hero
the word unheard: muh? nick?
the word unheard: nick has had a few.
the word unheard: anthony is pretty awesome.
the word unheard: jane blinked a lot in my pictures
the word unheard: david is a rrrrromantic.
the word unheard: i don't know half these people.
the word unheard: this is a drunk dude. this is a drunk dude with a haircut. any questions?
the word unheard: he liked to get up on things and gyrate.
the word unheard: red hot lighty peppers
the word unheard: abby, some blonde, and jane's profile
the word unheard: jane, nick, michael, elisa, alix
the word unheard: laptastic!
the word unheard: baby oil: it goes right down.
the word unheard: i had doritos, not diseases.
the word unheard: franky does the funky chicken
the word unheard: REEEEEEMO
the word unheard: franky: what a dip
the word unheard: alix, elisa, david.
the word unheard: now things start getting shirtless.
the word unheard: i-think-her-name-is-angela, and nick
the word unheard: SLOW: children playing
the word unheard: don't really know what's going on here
the word unheard: franky says: i dunno what's with all these shirtless freaks.
the word unheard: david sez PLZ