thewinchester: A special metal box...
thewinchester: First shot from my trial Nokia 603
thewinchester: Looking down into surburbia
thewinchester: From the passenger seat
thewinchester: Industrial sprawl
thewinchester: Sunset at the marina
thewinchester: Indian Ocean sunset
thewinchester: Waves on the harbour wall
thewinchester: My first published freelance article
thewinchester: Bogan car stickers
thewinchester: Empanadas, Night Hawkers Markets
thewinchester: Crowd at Night Hawkers Markets
thewinchester: Macarons, Night Hawkers Markets
thewinchester: The Perth Cactus at night
thewinchester: Horrible ad replaced
thewinchester: Very busy at Cottesloe
thewinchester: Caliban
thewinchester: Just Another Conversation
thewinchester: The Yearning
thewinchester: A busy evening at the beach
thewinchester: Lighthouse
thewinchester: Entomophily
thewinchester: Shop, skip and dump
thewinchester: Many threads
thewinchester: Oh my god
thewinchester: Wind stone - earth, stone and sky
thewinchester: Sunset at Cottesloe