EP Holcomb: maggie's eye
EP Holcomb: super close up of maggie
EP Holcomb: you can't say no to this face
EP Holcomb: maggie is ready
EP Holcomb: drugged dog in the car
EP Holcomb: snow mags
EP Holcomb: maggie on the loveseat
EP Holcomb: joshy and maggie on the couch
EP Holcomb: maggie in the morning
EP Holcomb: sunlit Maggie
EP Holcomb: maggie smiles
EP Holcomb: maggie gives me the eye
EP Holcomb: maggie's foot
EP Holcomb: sad Mags in the car
EP Holcomb: maggie says
EP Holcomb: maggie blanket
EP Holcomb: rawhide
EP Holcomb: maggie and a rawhide
EP Holcomb: dog nose
EP Holcomb: maggie faces the cement
EP Holcomb: point
EP Holcomb: dog blanket bingo
EP Holcomb: the back of Maggie's head
EP Holcomb: happy maggie
EP Holcomb: dogfaces
EP Holcomb: maggie kiss
EP Holcomb: Maggie as windguard
EP Holcomb: maggie is relaxed
EP Holcomb: new collar for Maggie
EP Holcomb: maggie's eye