Laura Whitehead: Allotment - Bee in poached egg plant - May 17th
Laura Whitehead: Allotment - Bee on dwarf comfrey - May 17th
Laura Whitehead: Allotment - Bee on chives - May 17th
Laura Whitehead: Allotment - Bee on Borage - May 17th
Laura Whitehead: Allotment Bee on poached egg plant - May 17th
Laura Whitehead: Bee - Allotment - 12th Sept
Laura Whitehead: Bee - Allotment - 12th Sept
Laura Whitehead: Enjoying the pollen - Allotment - 31st August
Laura Whitehead: Bee on Cosmos - Allotment - 21st August
Laura Whitehead: Common Carder Bee Courtyard - 20th August
Laura Whitehead: Small Bee - Courtyard - 19th August
Laura Whitehead: Bee on sunflower - Lottie - 9th August
Laura Whitehead: bee on cosmos - Lottie - 9th August
Laura Whitehead: Megachile sp. - Leaf-cutter Bee - Courtyard - August 8
Laura Whitehead: Megachile sp. - leaf-cutter Bee - Courtyard - August 8
Laura Whitehead: Bee - Courtyard August 8
Laura Whitehead: Bee - Courtyard August 8
Laura Whitehead: Bee on Marjoram
Laura Whitehead: Red Tailed Bumblebee - Bombus lapidarius - courtyard - 6 August
Laura Whitehead: Red Tailed Bumblebee - Bombus lapidarius - courtyard - 6 August
Laura Whitehead: Red Tailed Bumblebee - Bombus lapidarius - courtyard - 6 August
Laura Whitehead: Bee on sunflower - Allotment - 30 July
Laura Whitehead: Bee on Borage - Allotment - 30 July
Laura Whitehead: Bee on Borage - Allotment - 30 July
Laura Whitehead: Lasioglossum sp. - Bee
Laura Whitehead: Lasioglossum sp. - Bee
Laura Whitehead: Eager for the Rudbeckia to be ready!
Laura Whitehead: Red-tailed Bumblebee - Bombus lapidarius