Laura Whitehead: Lots of these appearing in the garden now
Laura Whitehead: Aarons Rod (Mullein)
Laura Whitehead: bee on Thyme
Laura Whitehead: bee on Thyme
Laura Whitehead: bee on Thyme
Laura Whitehead: bee on Thyme
Laura Whitehead: Hoverfly on dwarf thyme
Laura Whitehead: Hoverfly on dwarf thyme
Laura Whitehead: Hoverfly on dwarf thyme
Laura Whitehead: Hoverfly on lavender
Laura Whitehead: bee on scabious
Laura Whitehead: bee on dwarf thyme
Laura Whitehead: Bee on False Mallow
Laura Whitehead: Purple Sprouting Broccoli in the rain
Laura Whitehead: Busy courtyard
Laura Whitehead: Where Mrs Hairy Footed Flower Bee lives
Laura Whitehead: hairy footed flower bee - Female (Anthophora Plumipes)
Laura Whitehead: View from the back door
Laura Whitehead: Hoverfly
Laura Whitehead: Evening buzz
Laura Whitehead: Filled in with a much better mix of healthy soil and compost
Laura Whitehead: A couple of hours in, several bags filled, and just a small hole so far
Laura Whitehead: Young Mr Blackbird
Laura Whitehead: Chancing the outdoors
Laura Whitehead: Purple Sprouting Broccoli
Laura Whitehead: Early white
Laura Whitehead: hairy footed flower bee - Female (Anthophora Plumipes)
Laura Whitehead: Buzzy bee