:: Wendy ::: Concrete freestanding roof
:: Wendy ::: Layered messages with different people
:: Wendy ::: Mother and son at the alta
:: Wendy ::: Viewer At Table
:: Wendy ::: Viewer outside the room
:: Wendy ::: Viewer lying on the floor of the hallway
:: Wendy ::: Viewer eavesdrops
:: Wendy ::: Viewer evesdrops
:: Wendy ::: Actor talks directly to viewer
:: Wendy ::: Mirror
:: Wendy ::: Visual introduction of next scene
:: Wendy ::: Sarah Lund lit from below Left
:: Wendy ::: Scene lit from below
:: Wendy ::: stolen volvo
:: Wendy ::: viewer at the table
:: Wendy ::: Depth of field - walking a corridor