:: Wendy ::: Google conference sponsorshit
:: Wendy ::: wendy sinks
:: Wendy ::: IMS: 22 Billion devices connected by 2020
:: Wendy ::: Multiple devices one service
:: Wendy ::: VideoGirl - Barbie with embedded webca
:: Wendy ::: Buying process self-report activities
:: Wendy ::: Buying process self-report activities
:: Wendy ::: buying decision making - valuable support
:: Wendy ::: gravitational attraction to demonstrate customer journeys
:: Wendy ::: Intelligent displays (computera in stores)
:: Wendy ::: Moodbox - recreate context of use in store
:: Wendy ::: conclusions - look familiar....
:: Wendy ::: Eric Reiss (fatDUX) pulls panel topic out of a top hat
:: Wendy ::: pudding
:: Wendy ::: Anonymity is powerful on news sites
:: Wendy ::: quick test.....
:: Wendy ::: Ipad stand made from pencils and rubber bands
:: Wendy ::: mobile device user recording with homemade equipment
:: Wendy ::: Onstage demo of mobile device recording
:: Wendy ::: Agile UX - cheaper, quicker, engaging, smaller deliverables
:: Wendy ::: Agile UX - cheaper, quicker, engaging, smaller deliverables
:: Wendy ::: Willoughby Deed 3 Old hotel ux
:: Wendy ::: time warp
:: Wendy ::: door 27