the weather man lies: poor drunkie joe
the weather man lies: katie loves chips
the weather man lies: the night starts falling apart
the weather man lies: laughing it up
the weather man lies: hot tran action
the weather man lies: toofy smiles
the weather man lies: a toast to class
the weather man lies: DONT EAT THAT!!!
the weather man lies: mmmmm... cat bed
the weather man lies: courtney and min
the weather man lies: shaking her money maker
the weather man lies: playful tigress
the weather man lies: ddr inspired confusion
the weather man lies: yelling at DDR
the weather man lies: young whipper snappers
the weather man lies: sexy dance socks
the weather man lies: dance off!!!
the weather man lies: can't keep their hands off each other
the weather man lies: dance machines